Yes! No exceptions. In today’s market, every business must have a website if it wants to compete, grow, and make money. This applies to large, mid-size, and small businesses alike. A website is a necessity and here’s why.
Clients and Customers Expect One
Think about how much consumers rely upon the internet today for goods and services. They expect a company to have a website that they can read and review. They want simple questions answered. They want to learn where you are, what you do, and why you can help them. If you don’t have a website that answers these questions, then you’re going to lose business.
Facebook is Not Enough
Many businesses believe having a Facebook page is all that is required when it comes to internet marketing. This is not true. Granted, Facebook (and other social media channels) are great marketing tools. However, they’re more of add-ons. That is, a website is considered the central hub in your online marketing tool chest. It’s mission control. Social media channels are outlets attached to your site. You essentially generate information on your website and then push it out to your social media channels. This is integrated internet marketing. Please see here for more information. I wrote this with regards to law firm marketing, but the same concepts apply to all types of companies and industries.
You Must Educate and Inform – Immediately!
This is slightly mentioned above but demands further attention Customers today will have basic questions when researching potential service providers. Again, they want to know “the three W’s.” These are: where you are, what you do, and why you can help. Customers also what to know why you’re better than the next guy and they expect background information on the nature of your business and the experience you have. All of this gets accomplished via a business website. A website conveys this information quickly, efficiently, and hopefully, in an organized manner.
Websites Make a Great First Impression
Imagine, for a moment, that your teeth need a good cleaning. You’re standing on a street corner with some time to spare and you see two dental offices, one right next door to the other. You walk into the first and everything is organized, clean, neat, and professional. Out of curiosity, you walk into the other office and you’re astounded. The office is chaotic, disorganized, dirty, and amateurish. Yes, you’re going to pick office #1.
How does this apply to your website? Well, think of a website as your virtual front office. You can use it to quickly win over clients by making a great first impression. A well-designed website – and well-written web content – will be organized, well-structured, attention-grabbing, informative, stylish (for your industry), neat, and simple. Consumers love this. A great virtual office will win customers over from the very beginning. Don’t be dental office #2!
You Can Afford One
A business owner probably could have made an anti-website argument years ago when websites were still expensive to build and create. But, this is no longer the case. There are many great services today that help you get a website at reasonable rates. For example, you have WordPress, Wix, and Go Daddy. Okay, maybe you can afford one, but you just don’t have the time to get it done. If this is the case, contact me. I’ll get it done for you.
If you run a company and you’re minus a website, you’re losing money. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts. It’s critical today to have an online presence that informs, educates, and impresses. If you need more convincing, contact me now. I can build your company a basic website that wows. If you’re working with a designer to create your site, I can supply the content for that site to make it ring. I’m a Seattle are freelance writer ready to assist you today.